Riku Nurminen
I started woodworking in 2021 when me and my fiancee moved to the countryside, back to
my childhood home. The property has a garage that used to be my father's metal-
and boatbuilding shop in the 80s. Since the move I've slowly been turning it into a
woodworking shop. My goal is to slowly grow the business on the side of my day job.
Manskiventie 714
16710 Hollola, FINLAND
Finnish Business ID: 3181398-7
IBAN / eInvoice address: FI4215443000223227
BIC / operator identifier: NDEAFIHH
Best way to contact me is via email: [email protected]
Phone contact mon-fri after 2pm: +358 50 505 4611
Some background...
Boatbuilding in the 80s ⚓ Builders were my father Taito "Tate" Nurminen and his unofficial
"foster father" Aarne "Arttu" Kurkela. The boat was being built for Arttu and the deal was
that my father would do the metal and welding work and as a payment he would be left with
the garage and tools once the project was finished. My father had worked as a welder at Öresundsvarvet shipyard in Sweden at the end of the 70s, so there was some prior experience from building
steel boats. The boat - which would be 14 meters in length - came as a DIY package from
Jacson Boats B.V. shipyard in Holland. They started by building the garage exactly so that it
would accommodate building the boat. This was actually the 2nd Jacson boat that the men had
built; the first was a 11 meter boat (Jacson 1100), but Arttu wanted a bigger one. This new
boat was finished in 1987, which is also the year I was born. After this my father did the
welding work for a 3rd, 16 meter Jacson-hull for a friend of the family.
Quite the "hobby projects" these guys had back in the day!